Enthusiasm…check. Ambition…check. Determination to succeed…check.
Armed with these three essential character traits, you’re halfway home. But the question still remains – how to get into event management, without studying for a degree?
Contrary to popular believe, a university-level education isn’t always necessary to break into the events industry. In fact, it rarely is. Instead, the key to starting a successful career as an event manager lies in laying the necessary foundations and gradually building your profile.
Not convinced?

It’s true – here’s how to get into event management, regardless of your current educational background:
1. Research the industry
First and foremost, you’ll be needing a comprehensive understanding of the industry as a whole. There’s really no such thing as knowing too much about how things work, why, where, who’s involved and so on. The better you understand the industry, the better your chances of becoming a part of it.
2. Choose your specialism
Most event managers aren’t all-encompassing planners of every type of event. Instead, they focus primarily on a smaller number of event types. Weddings, corporate events, concerts, festivals and so on – wherever their primary passion lies. Don’t fall into the trap of becoming the classic Jack of all trades…master of none.
3. Build your online profile
Whether looking to gain employment or secure the business of clients, the first thing they’ll do is check out your online profile. So you better have one – and a seriously impressive one at that. From social media to your own business website and so on, you can’t expect to be taken seriously if you don’t sell yourself and your talents online.
4. Volunteer your services
In the event management industry, nothing matters more than experience. If you’ve got sufficient experience, you can write your own ticket. You need to be able to demonstrate both the skills you’ve developed and anything/everything you’ve accomplished along the way. Which means that if you need to start out working for free, so be it. Reach out to event management companies and offer your services (in any capacity) on a voluntary basis.
5. Network like crazy
Make no mistake about it – what you know isn’t nearly as important as who you know. Every single person you encounter along the way should make it into your address book. Moreover, professional relationships must be nurtured and preserved indefinitely. The more well-connected people you know, the better the chance one of them will help you get your big break.
6. Study the profession
While it’s perfectly possible to get into event management without a degree, you’ll still need a good knowledge-base to build on. Not to mention, some way of demonstrating your passion and commitment to employers and clients alike. Rather than going the whole-hog with a full-time course, why not study events management online? Put your spare time to good use, pick up key industry insights and walk away with a recognised qualification.
7. Create a portfolio
You need to make it as easy as possible for others to see what you’re capable of at a glance. Photographs of events you’ve planned, leaflets, brochures, invitations, marketing materials etc. – anything you’ve worked on that paints a positive picture of you. An impressive, easily-accessible online portfolio really can make all the difference.
8. Budget proactively
Last but not least, if you intend to start your own event planning business from scratch, you’ll need to budget cautiously. On one hand, it’s perfectly possible to build a website, organise a marketing campaign and launch a new business for less than £500. On the other, you need to factor in living expenses and operational costs, until you start turning a profit. Always be realistic when it comes to budgeting, in order to avoid falling at the first hurdle.
For more information on events management or any of our home study courses, get in touch with the Oxford Home Study Centre admissions team today.