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Level 5 Diploma in Food Hygiene
Course Level 5
Endorsement Education for Business Managers and Administrators (EBMA)
Study Method Online
Course Duration 450 Hours
Entry Requirements There are no particular entry requirements
Start Date Ongoing
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Food Hygiene Cert

Embark on an enriching journey towards mastering food safety and hygiene with our Level 5 Diploma in Food Hygiene Cert. This comprehensive program offers participants advanced training in food safety principles, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the food industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, our flexible food hygiene training online ensures accessibility and convenience without compromising on quality.

Our accredited Level 5 food hygiene training online examines the essential concepts and practices crucial for maintaining the highest standards of food safety and hygiene. This course explores the intricacies of food safety principles, gaining invaluable insights into the science behind safe food handling, storage, preparation, and distribution. On this course you will also learn about the various types of food hazards, ranging from biological pathogens to chemical contaminants, and discover effective strategies for mitigating these risks at every stage of the food supply chain.

Course Structure:

The Level 5 Diploma in Food Hygiene comprises 90 credits, providing participants with a comprehensive curriculum to develop expertise in advanced food safety and hygiene practices.

How Will You Study?

Access our user-friendly online learning platform anytime, anywhere, allowing you to complete the course at your own pace and convenience.

Assessment Methods:

Experience practical application of knowledge with our MCQ-based assignments, designed to immerse you in real-life contexts. Elevate your learning with our hands-on approach for an effective educational experience.

Results and Certificate:

Upon successful completion of all mandatory modules and assessments, participants will receive the Level 5 Diploma in Food Hygiene, accredited by EBMA, recognizing their expertise in food safety and hygiene.

Who is This Course For?

This qualification is ideal for individuals who:

  • Work in the food industry and are responsible for food handling, preparation, or supervision.
  • Seek advanced training in food safety and hygiene principles and practices.
  • Desire a flexible and convenient learning option to enhance their professional development in food hygiene.

Mandatory Modules:

Introduction to Food Safety:

Gain insights into the importance of food safety and the regulatory framework governing the food industry.

What is Food Hygiene:

Explore the principles of food hygiene, understanding the key factors that contribute to safe food handling and preparation.

The 4Cs of Food Hygiene:

Discover the four essential principles of food hygiene – Cleaning, Cooking, Chilling, and Cross-contamination control – and their role in preventing foodborne illnesses.


Explore the world of microbiology, learning about microorganisms and their impact on food safety and preservation.

Food Poisoning:

Understand the causes and symptoms of food poisoning, as well as preventive measures to mitigate the risk of contamination and illness.

Pest Control:

Learn about the importance of pest control in maintaining a hygienic food environment and preventing contamination.

Food Allergy and Intolerance:

Explore common food allergies and intolerances, and strategies for safely handling and serving food to individuals with dietary restrictions.

Optional Modules:

Eating Disorders:

Gain insights into eating disorders and their implications for food safety and hygiene in food service settings.

Principles of Healthy Eating:

Explore the principles of healthy eating and their relevance to food preparation and service.

OHSC Certificate of Completion - Digital certificate

Digital certificate - Included.

EBMA Accredited Certificate of Completion - Hard copy certificate

Hard copy certificate - £95

Note: A nominal fee of £9.99 covers the delivery charge within the United Kingdom and a nominal fee of £19.99 covers the delivery charge outside the United Kingdom.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be well-equipped for roles such as Food Safety Manager, Quality Assurance Supervisor, or Food Service Director, contributing to the maintenance of high standards in food safety and hygiene.

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