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Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care
Course Level 5
Endorsement Education for Business Managers and Administrators (EBMA)
Study Method Online
Course Duration 450 Hours
Entry Requirements There are no particular entry requirements
Start Date Ongoing
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Health and Social Level 5 

Health & Social Care Level 5offered by OHSC is a comprehensive program designed to give advanced training in health and social care, equipping participants with the expertise needed to excel in this essential sector.

Our accredited health and social level 5 course explores the essential aspects of health and social care, providing a solid foundation for participants to thrive in various roles within the sector. From understanding health and social care policy to honing communication and interpersonal skills, this health & social care level 5 covers a wide range of topics to prepare participants for the challenges and opportunities in the field.

Course Structure:

The Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care comprises a total of 90 credits, ensuring a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of health and social care principles and practices.

How Will You Study?

Access our intuitive online learning platform anytime, anywhere, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience.

Assessment Methods:

Assessment methods include quizzes, assignments, case studies, and practical exercises, ensuring a thorough evaluation of participants' understanding and application of Facebook advertising concepts.

Results and Certificate:

Upon successful completion of all modules and assessments, participants will receive the Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care, accredited by EBMA, recognizing their expertise in health and social care.

Who is This Course For?

This qualification is ideal for:

  • Healthcare professionals seeking to advance their careers in health and social care.
  • Individuals looking to transition into roles within the health and social care sector.
  • Managers and leaders in health and social care organizations seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Module 1: Introduction to Health and Social Care:

Gain insights into the fundamentals of health and social care, exploring the role of healthcare professionals and the importance of person-centered care.

Module 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills:

Develop effective communication and interpersonal skills necessary for building positive relationships with clients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals.

Module 3: Health and Social Care Policy and Law:

Explore the legal and policy frameworks governing health and social care, understanding the rights of service users and the responsibilities of care providers.

Module 4: Person-Centred Care:

Learn how to deliver person-centered care, tailoring support and services to meet the individual needs and preferences of each service user.

Module 5: Safeguarding and Protection:

Understand the importance of safeguarding and protection in health and social care, learning how to recognize and respond to signs of abuse or neglect.

Module 6: Health Promotion and Public Health:

Explore strategies for promoting health and wellbeing, both at the individual and community level, and understand the principles of public health.

Module 7: Mental Health and Well-being:

Gain insights into mental health issues and learn how to support individuals experiencing mental health challenges with empathy and understanding.

Module 8: Managing Long-Term Conditions and Disability:

Develop the skills to support individuals living with long-term conditions or disabilities, empowering them to live fulfilling and independent lives.

Module 9: Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Social Care:

Explore research methodologies and learn how to critically evaluate evidence to inform best practice in health and social care.

OHSC Certificate of Completion - Digital certificate

Digital certificate - Included.

EBMA Accredited Certificate of Completion - Hard copy certificate

Hard copy certificate - £95

Note: A nominal fee of £9.99 covers the delivery charge within the United Kingdom and a nominal fee of £19.99 covers the delivery charge outside the United Kingdom.

Graduates of this course will be well-equipped for a range of roles within the health and social care sector, including Health and Social Care Manager, Care Coordinator, Social Worker, and Healthcare Consultant.

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